Saturday, August 9, 2014

Observation tumbling down hill at a rather rapid rate. We are not progressing; we are fighting wars that began centuries ago over power and natural resources, we are debating topics that are no longer even worth talking about, we are wasteful, and most of all we are dumbing ourselves down. Humans are not even kind to each other anymore; greed and selfishness has become all too familiar.
ARTEMIVSK, Ukraine — Although government forces say they’re steadily closing in on pro-Russia separatists based in the eastern cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, the situation on the ground here remains fluid, with rebels staging counterattacks. Russian News
 The attacks come one day after President Obama authorized air strikes in Iraq if necessary. Iraq News
 Two Israelis were lightly wounded from a mortar shell In Shaar Hanegev Regional Council, and the IDF Home Front Command ordered the opening of all shelters within an 80 kilometer radius from the Strip. Israel News
 These are a few of the headlines I found today with simple searches. How are we supposed to transform into a Global Type I society if we can't even get along?

Presidential elections are coming up and guess what the topics up for debate are going to be? I'm sure you already know, they are the same topics that have been debated since your birth-abortion rights, budget, healthcare, social security, etc. When are we going to get progressive and start outlining public policy, legislation, and protections for things like Alternative fuel sources, Environmental protections,Sustainability, GMO's, Transhumanism, Cloning, Technology? These things are here people---right in your face, do you know where any politician stands on these issues? I am going to guess that they are going to take the side of the corporations that are producing and controlling these technologies.

Humankind has become so wasteful, I fear that we have forgotten that we are supposed to co-exsist with nature instead of robbing, stealing, and sucking it dry. Big Oil needs to end, there are more beneficial ways to produce the energy that we need. Look at what is happening to the world-how can you deny it?

Idiocracy: A movie that was originally a comedy, but became a documentary.
I am not even going to lie, this movie was hilarious! It does seem to represent the future of 'Merica!
Our education system is one of the worst in the industrialized nations of the world. Due to unemployment (which I do not see getting better) people are becoming lazier and adopting more of an entitlement attitude. Everything is competitive...competition based on the theory of natural selection is healthy, but when people are beating each other up every black friday for the 1 new video gaming system Walmart has in stock...absurd.

The thing that saddens me the most is that the people of this world are so bitter and angry, the actual essence of humanity is gone. Every human being wants to be accepted and loved. The someone is just different for everyone. It's emotion, something that sets apart from the other species on the planet. Some may think this emotion makes us above the rest or the species, I know first hand, how it can be a curse. Instead of telling you my life story, I am going to take a popular story and dissect it.
The recent blockbuster hit the Great Gatsby, which is based on a book written in 1925 by Scott Fitzgerald.
Gatsby has amassed a vast fortune in order to win the affections of the upper-class Daisy Buchanan, but his mysterious past stands in the way of his being accepted by her.
Character Analysis 

What saddens me the most is that Gatsby essentially died for Daisy and after all was said and done, all of the people that knew Gatsby and attended his parties...never even showed up at his funeral, neither did she.That says a says too much.
It is a reality of today, people are so caught up in themselves they just walk away. How have we learned to so easily turn off our emotions?

I don't want to be a part of this society, this callousness of an existence.  So I am figuring out ways to set an example and revolutionize the notion of change.