Thursday, May 3, 2012

Extreme Couponing Adventure

The problem: 
So, as I realized that I really do not like spending hundreds of dollars a month on groceries, I would try this new fad of extreme couponing.
Course of action:
 I went and got the Sunday paper, sat on the couch and clipped coupons for an hour. Then I proceeded to print more from the inter-web. I classified them all. Then I looked at the flyers for all the stores. Man, I was lost! I set it all aside until today.
I went and took these damn coupons to every store trying to find the best sales, use manufacturer and store coupons. I searched up and down all the rows for the perfect buys! It took hours, and not to mention, probably ticked off people who had to maneuver their carts around me! I ended up buying products that I normally didn't even know existed. I wanted to get these freebies for some Starbucks drink  I never tried.  I was sure I could figure out where they were located. I saw a lady with half a cart full of them and thought I was one the right track. Wrong! After checking three, yes three different stores, I couldn't even find the product! Then, as I was checking out at one place, the cashier laughed at me, as I was frantically trying to lay out my items and place these valuable coupons on them. I don't know what his problem was, but I was just trying to make sure everything was correct! At the end of the sale, he did manage to tell me what I spectacle his wife has become doing the same things. (At least I am not the only one!)  Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, I was  finally done.
The outcome:
A great laugh at myself. I must have looked crazy to some of these people! In reality, I managed to fill up the house with groceries and saved over $75.00. However, I did not get one item for free and I hope that everyone likes what I got! I also now have the money I need for my road trip this weekend! :P

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